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How Often Should You Brush Your Dog?

woman brushing dog's coat

Maintaining your dog’s coat and hygiene is as important as your hygiene. There are many things you need to consider when taking care of your dog’s fur, and one of them is the brushing frequency. It mainly depends on your pup’s coat type, however, there are other details and intricacies to keep in mind. In this article, we'll discuss the most common brushing practices for different types of dog coats, so you can keep your pup looking and feeling their best!

Why Is It Important To Take Care Of It?

A dog's fur can tell you a lot about its health. A healthy coat will be shiny and free of any flakes or bald spots. Rough, brittle, or faded dog fur can indicate a health problem and should be checked out by a vet. Cleaning and brushing your dog's fur is important for their health. Dog's coats can collect dirt, dust, and other allergens that can be harmful to you or your dog, so it is important to brush them regularly. In addition, brushing your dog's hair regularly is a great way of avoiding dog hair getting all over your furniture or clothes. As a result, it also keeps dog fur allergies at bay including asthma.

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How Often Does Your Dog Need Brushing?

The answer to this question depends on several factors, including your dog’s breed, coat type, and season. In general, single-coated dogs are required to be brushed less often in the spring and fall than double and triple-coated dogs. To make it more clear, here are some brushing recommendations according to different dog breeds:
  • Breeds with longer hair, like the Shih Tzu, Havanese, or Bearded Collie, will need to be brushed more often, usually 2-3 times a week.
  • Short-haired breeds like Bull Terrier, Boxer, or Greyhound generally only need to be brushed once a week.
  • Finally, breeds with particularly dense or thick coats, like Rough Collie, or American Eskimo, may need to be brushed daily to prevent matting and other problems.

Benefits Of Brushing Your Dog’s Hair

Brushing your dog’s coat has a number of benefits, from improving their appearance to promoting good health:
  • Helps remove dirt, debris, and loose hair
  • Helps with fleas or other parasites
  • Distributes natural oils throughout the coat, which keeps the skin healthy
  • Prevents matting and tangles
  • Keeps your dog relaxed
  • Creates a bonding experience between you and your dog

Do’s And Don’ts of Brushing Your Dog’s Hair

When brushing your dog's hair, there are a few things that you must do or avoid for a pleasant experience.


  • Use a quality brush that is designed for dogs. This will help avoid irritating their skin.
  • Be gentle when brushing. Dogs can be sensitive to touch, so go slowly at first and build up to more brisk brushing if necessary.
  • Be mindful of your dog's behavior. For instance, if they are enjoying the brushing, great! On the contrary, if they start to squirm or show signs of discomfort, back off and try another day again.


  • Don't use a human hairbrush on your dog. The bristles may be too harsh for their skin.
  • Don't pull on knots or tangles. This will only make them tighter and more uncomfortable for your dog. Instead, use a detangling spray and start brushing at the ends of their hair, working your way up slowly.
  • Don't forget to brush your dog's undercoat. This is where a lot of knots and tangles form, so it's important to brush this area thoroughly. Otherwise, you may end up with a dog that sheds excessively.

How To Choose The Right Brush?

When it comes to brushing your dog's hair, the right brush or comb can make a big difference in the health of your dog's coat. Be sure to choose a comfortable brush or comb for your dog. Here are some tips on choosing the perfect brush or comb for your dog's hair type.
  • If your dog has short, smooth hair, a bristle or slicker brush should be sufficient enough.
  • If your dog has long, thick hair, a wire pin brush or wide-toothed comb is better.
  • If your dog has curly hair, a paddle brush or detangling spray can help to prevent matting and tangles.

Final Thoughts

In summary, the brushing frequency for your dog will depend on the breed of your dog and the type of coat they have. By following the tips and using the right tools, you can make brushing your dog’s coat a quick and easy task that both of you will enjoy. Now that you know how often to brush your dog’s coat, it’s time to get started. Happy Brushing!
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