The Teacup Pomsky — also known as the Miniature Pomsky or Toy Pomsky — is an adorable type of designer dog. They’re the result of breeding Pomeranians with Huskies, resulting in a combo of these two breeds known as a Pomsky.
The miniature husky Pomeranian is a rare breed, but it has grown in popularity over the last decade. If you're considering purchasing a Teacup Pomsky, there's a lot to know about its personality, energy level, grooming requirements and nutritional needs. Here, we'll cover everything you need to know about the teacup husky Pomeranian mix.
Teacup Pomsky Origin
The first Pomsky pups were bred in Arizona in 2009. The Teacup Pomsky is an even smaller version made by crossing the runts of purebred Pomeranians and huskies through artificial insemination. Many have expressed concerns over the ethics of the Teacup Pomsky and other miniature dog breeds. However, it is only cruel to get a Mini Pomsky as a pet if unethical breeding strategies have been used.
This breed has been in high demand since around 2017, and unfortunately, many unethical breeders are in it for the money. But as long as you use a trusted breeder, there is no need to worry! The typical price for a Teacup Pomsky puppy is between $1,000 to $3,000.
What Does A Teacup Pomsky Look Like?
The coats of Teacup Pomsky puppies are a prominent feature. Their fur is extremely thick and fluffy and comes in a wide variety of colors. The color of your pup depends on the colors of the parent dogs. Common examples include merle, red, cream, orange, lavender, black and white. Eye colors are equally as varied, ranging from brown and hazel to green and blue. In fact, there is a coat and eye color combination to suit almost everyone!
How Big Do Teacup Pomskies Get?
Teacup Pomskies have a teddy bear-like appearance and are one of the smallest, cutest and cuddliest breeds around. When full-grown, a Teacup Pomsky will only ever weigh around 7 pounds (the minimum limit for teacup breeds according to the American Kennel Club) and rarely measures more than 10 inches tall. This means a full-size Teacup Pomsky is around half the size of a regular Pomeranian husky mix.
However, size will depend on the lineage — a Teacup Pomsky puppy with bigger parents will become a larger Teacup Pomsky full grown. On the other end of the spectrum, some Pomsky mini dogs with tiny parents weigh as little as 3 pounds. There are considered micro Teacup Pomsky dogs. They still won’t quite fit inside a teacup, but they’re as small as it gets.
Personality and Behavior of a Teacup Pomsky
Just like the appearance of the Pomsky Teacup dog is a combination of both parents, as is its personality. Yet interestingly, the personalities of huskies and Pomeranians are generally opposing. Huskies are high-energy, intelligent, outgoing and alert. On the converse, Pomeranians have more of a social, friendly and playful temperament.
So, what can we expect the Teacup Pomsky to behave like?
When crossbred together, a Teacup Pomeranian husky mix has a sociable, affectionate and protective personality. They’re also non-aggressive and work well in family homes, but aren’t ideal for small children as they can accidentally hurt them. Their extroverted outlook means they get along well with strangers and other animals too, perfect if you already have other pets.
Unfortunately, they also tend to be vocal dogs and can annoy your neighbors. The Teacup Pomsky commonly inherits the husky’s love of howling and the Pomeranian’s love of yapping. You must train your dog’s not to vocalize as much while they’re still puppies. Otherwise, you need to be prepared to deal with some barking and whining tendencies.
How to Train Teacup Pomskies
Training a Teacup Pomsky is quite a challenging but rewarding endeavor. They’re intelligent and energetic dogs, so they can be well-behaved if you start training them from a young age. Starting young is important, though.
Huskies and Pomeranians are also both known for their stubbornness. This trait makes its way into the crossbreed. Their stubbornness makes training seem like hard work, but taking a calm and patient approach is your best bet. Never get angry if your pup doesn’t respond, just try and try again. With a little persistence, you will be able to train your mini Pomsky to come, sit and stay within a few weeks.
Meanwhile, it's important to know your dog's capabilities and set training expectations accordingly. As a tiny breed, Pomskies simply are not capable of performing more physically demanding tasks and tricks. Know the limits of your dog’s size and don’t mistake this as stubbornness.
Another training issue owners deal with is potty training. As a teacup breed, mini Pomskies have tiny bladders and are unable to hold the need to urinate for as long as bigger breeds. They’re not being naughty — they simply can’t hold it any longer! You need to get used to letting your Miniature Pomsky outside more often to give them the opportunity to do their business.

Grooming and Maintaining a Teacup Pomskies Coat
Pomsky maintenance requirements are extensive, but keeping your dog healthy and beautiful is well worth the effort. Prepare yourself for regular brushing, bathing and nail care.
Pomskies are double-coated dogs that require more maintenance than most breeds. They have gorgeous fluffy coats that need to be brushed regularly to be well-maintained. We recommend using a bristle brush daily to remove all mats and tangles. It is also suggested to invest in an undercoat rake to remove the undercoat and prevent excess shedding.
Bathing is another important part of the grooming process, and you should wash your dog once every 1-3 months. This will depend on how much time your dog spends outside and how dirty its coat gets. If you don’t want to bathe or brush your dog regularly, consider clipping their coat. Shorter fur means less dirt collects and fewer mats and tangles form. You can clip your dog’s fur yourself or leave it in the hands of a local groomer salon.
Nail Care
Nail trimming is another must for all dogs. This is especially true for smaller and less active breeds whose nails are worn down less naturally. Traditional dog nail clippers work like scissors — you make an angled cut to snip off the tip. This is a delicate process, though, especially when it comes to small dogs like the Pomsky.
Many Pomsky owners prefer a dog nail grinder instead. The nail grinder features a diamond piece that vibrates and gradually files down the outer edge of the nail, giving you greater stability and control.
Dental Care
This breed is also prone to dental problems, which can be helped with daily tooth brushing. Veterinary dentists recommend brushing every day with a soft toothbrush. Use a healthy treat to reward your Pomsky for its patience. There are also plenty of oral hygiene treats on the market.
Common Health Issues
Common health issues are an important consideration before purchasing a new pup for the family. Unfortunately, Toy Pomskies are thought to share the same predispositions to certain health issues as both parents. This includes skin allergies and infections, collapsing trachea, epilepsy and heart disease. Patellar luxation has also been observed in several Teacup Pomsky dogs, which is a common issue for miniature breeds.
With that said, mini Pomskies are considered a new dog breed as they’ve been around for just over 10 years. Therefore, scientists and researchers are still looking at the links between these health concerns and the likelihood of them arising. It could be that Teacup Pomskies aren’t as genetically predisposed to these illnesses as their parents, but only time and research will tell.
Lifespan can also only be estimated at this stage. According to experts, healthy Toy Pomskies should live between 13 and 15 years. This is based on the lifespan of huskies, Pomeranians and other miniature breeds.
The Ideal Teacup Pomsky Diet
Teacup Pomskies need a balanced diet at every age. Choose food containing plenty of protein along with vitamins, minerals and healthy fats. Fiber is important, too.
The portions you feed your Teacup Pomsky will vary throughout its life. In its first two to six months of life, you should feed your mini Pomsky two to three times a day with occasional snacks in between. Like any dog, Pomskies require more food early in life when their bodies experience the most growth and development. After six months, you can walk back their meals to two per day. Adult Teacup Pomskies should eat ½-⅔ cups of food each day.
Final Thoughts
The Teacup Pomsky is one of the cuddliest and cutest dogs available. They’re also friendly, sociable, affectionate, and bond closely with their owner. However, these dogs are a little stubborn so training does require a little patience. They also require a fair bit of maintenance to keep their plush coats fluffy and clean. If you put the time in, you’ll have an obedient, well-behaved and beautiful new best friend that’s small enough to take with you everywhere!
Care for Your Teacup Pomsky With LuckyTail
LuckyTail provides pain-free nail care products for dogs of all sizes. Our electric nail grinders are a simpler way to maintain your dog's healthy paws. Nail grinders work great for small breeds like the Teacup Pomsky, so browse our products to find the ideal nail care tool for your pup.
Last Updated on September 18, 2023 at 9:00 AM